
Dungeon Siege & Total Annihilation Creator Chris Taylor Departs Wargaming to go Indie

Veteran PC games designer, Chris Taylor, announced today his departure from Wargaming to get-go his own indie studio.

Taylor started his career in gaming in the 1980s but it was in 1996 at CaveDog Amusement where he was the design and project lead for what might be his best-known work, Total Annihilation.

Chris founded Gas Powered Games in 1998 where he created Dungeon Siege and the sequel in 2005. Taylor then went on to make the Supreme Commander RTS serial, too. After the failed Kickstarter for Wildman dorsum in 2022, Taylor and then sold Gas Powered Games to Wargaming, the creators of Globe of Tanks.

Taylor told GamesBeat the reason why he decided to part ways with Wargaming:

Betwixt Gas Powered Games and Wargaming, it was an eighteen-year stretch and I wore myself out and didn't realize it. I've decided i need to take a few months off, regroup, and recharge before I swoop into my next thing.

The speculation is that the new studio might work on the spiritual successor of Total Annihilation. This comes to no surprise considering how well received Total Annihilation was when it was first released.

Wargaming released the following statement regarding Chris Taylor'due south exit from the company:

Wargaming tin ostend that Chris Taylor, general manager of Wargaming Seattle, has resigned from his position. We thank Chris for his passion and excitement, where he was instrumental in growing our Seattle team into a world course developer. Equally caput of development Matias Myllyrinne has put it, 'Chris is a seasoned leader and one of a kind artistic visionary whose projects inspired a whole generation of people to pursue a career in video games. He has laid down the foundations for Wargaming Seattle. One behalf of anybody at Wargaming, I'd like to thank Chris for his many contributions over the years and wish him all the all-time in his new endeavors.'

Chris Taylor gave no proper name for his new studio or when exactly work will start on whatsoever new projects. Information technology seems the man is taking a much-deserved break after two decades in the industry, but we'll proceed you updated on any and all developments of his next venture in the gaming industry.


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